Digital Learning

Sacred Heart Girls’ College will implement a coordinated, system-wide effort to align curriculum, digital technologies, property, infrastructure, funding and policies to ensure the safe, legal and equitable access of digital technologies within and across the school.

This will happen though the integration of the core elements of digital learning with a focus on promoting learning in cyber-safe, future-focused environments and by embedding and integrating  curriculum, effective teaching and leadership practices, technologies, and property and system infrastructures.

All staff and students will become true digital citizens, they will demonstrate this by being technically capable, digitally literate and socially responsible when using modern technology.

Microsoft Office 365 and Student Advantage

As part of SHGC licencing, students are now able to install Microsoft Office Pro Plus on up to 5 of your home devices. Follow this link
Students will be prompted to enter their school email and password. They will be shown a list of the software that they can install. Click INSTALL and follow the instructions, these will be specific for your device.
If you have any issues with this installation, the technician is available on Wednesday lunchtimes to help in Room 109.
Download the PowerPoint on how to access your Office365 Account and how to use OneDrive. Read About OneDrive

Stay connected to your learning community

Simplify the way you work together with powerful communication tools.
Online Document Storage. Provide IT-managed online storage to everyone at  the school with OneDrive.
Store documents in the cloud and share with others—even outside the school
Work together anywhere by using the advanced sharing tools.
There are continuous data backups, robust disaster recovery capabilities, globally redundant data centers, and no scanning of email or files for advertising.

Experience Office virtually anywhere

All students and staff are provided with the common Office applications free.
Office Online has:  Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote
Online allow students to work across multiple devices, right from a browser
Multiple users can work on the same document together

Digital Technology Student User Agreement Form

Please read this form.


What device does she need to bring?

As a school we don’t believe that mandating a particular device is necessary, and because individual student needs differ, this can be a complex question to answer. We have, however, put together the following recommendations for a digital device:

  • Wireless networking capability
  • minimum of 2GB Ram
  • At least 5 hours of use from one battery charge
  • A large enough screen to work with documents in order to create and edit content
  • The ability to run a web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari) that will allow it to access Internet and other learning resources
  • Has software that enables word processing, presentations, spreadsheets, image manipulation, video and audio editing (these can be cloud based)
  • Integrated camera and microphone
  • Has a keyboard or potential to connect a keyboard
  • Is lightweight, but robust enough to handle daily use
  • Is in a protective carrying case
My daughter has learning difficulties, what is the best device to buy?

We have a licence for software designed to aid students with learning difficulties, it is advised that you contact Kim Goodey before purchasing a device. You can email Kim here

I can’t afford to buy a device for my daughter

The school is under negotiation with two local retailers and their advertised deals are attached.

What if I can’t provide this device for my daughter?

This will not disadvantage your daughter as the school has a number of devices available for students to access.

When can my daughter use her device?

Each classroom teacher will set the expectations around the use of the digital device during class time.  This will vary depending on the circumstances.

What happens if my daughter missues her device?

The teacher will give reminders that devices are used for learning. If there is continual misuse of the device the teacher may insist that the device is switched off for the rest of the period, or for longer if necessary.

Continued or significant misuse may result in your daughter’s user account being disabled, or more serious consequences as part of the general school rules.

What are you responsible for?
  • Ensuring the school’s digital citizenship agreement has been read and signed (computer and wi-fi access will not be given until this has been received).
  • Any technical issues other than connectivity.  Sacred Heart Girls’ College does not provide technical services for any student-owned device.
  • Ensuring the device is virus-free.
  • Ensuring the device is insured under your home content policy.
  • Ensuring you and your daughter know how to use the device adequately.
  • Ensuring your device is fully charged before it is brought it to school.
Office 365 Student Advantage

All Sacred Heart students have access to Microsoft cloud based Office 365 which includes Word, Publisher, Excel and PowerPoint. While at Sacred Heart Girls’ College, your daughter is also able to download Microsoft software on up to FIVE devices free of charge using her school email and password.

I am concerned about safety of my daughter online, what can I do?

The school network has a firewall in place to protect from viruses and other malware. We have a  filter on our internet connection, however, this is limited. In line with our Positive Behaviour 4 Learning initiative, we are focusing on educating our students in ways to navigate the internet safely and responsibly. We are putting programs in place at different levels to help your daughter understand appropriate use of her device in both school and social settings. Our aim is to teach your daughter that her use of digital technologies can have lasting effects.

The most important thing you can do is talk to your daughter and keep up to date with what she does on her device. You may also choose to enable the family safety features for your daughter’s device. There is also further advice available from the following websites:

Netsafe: New Zealand developed resources for schools and parents

Common Sense Media: Site developed in the United States, but very relevant

Should my daughter backup her work so that she doesn’t lose it?

We will be encouraging students to store any important work on a cloud based web service, such as the school supplied Microsoft Office 365. This way, the work can be accessed from any web enabled computer and this should help protect against losing work. We strongly recommend that students do not use USB’s as their only method of storage as these can be easily lost or corrupted resulting in work being lost.

What if my daughter’s device gets stolen at school?

We need to ensure that our students take some personal responsibility for their own devices, and we do find that the girls value their devices and look after them. What we have found from talking with other schools, is that theft is a minor issue. However, we are considering ways of ensuring that security is increased during assemblies and Physical Education classes.  We would recommend, just to be absolutely certain, that your home contents insurance covers the device while your daughter is at school, as the school can be liable for neither the cost of the device or the insurance excess on your policy.



The information in this guide appears online at

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is bullying. It’s using the internet, a mobile phone or other technology like a camera to hurt somebody or embarrass them.

What does cyberbullying look like?

Bullying on the internet or mobiles can include many things, like being sent anonymous text messages to your phone, posting nasty or threatening comments on your  Facebook page or sending mean or embarrassing photos or videos of you to other people.
Cyberbullying can involve people spreading rumours about you and scaring you. Sometimes people may try to stop you from communicating with others or they may hack and steal passwords for your online accounts.

Is cyberbullying a big deal?

  • No one likes to be bullied or harassed.
  • Cyberbullying takes many forms and some of these may be harder to deal with than others.
  • Depending on the situation, some young people are able to sort it out quickly, or simply shrug it off.
  • Other situations may be more serious. About 1 in 5 New Zealand high school students say they have been cyberbullied and many say it makes them feel scared, depressed, angry or ashamed.
  • If you get sent nasty messages outside of school time sometimes it can feel hard to escape the bullying. Some people say it’s worse if you can’t tell who the bullying messages are coming from.
  • Posting mean or nasty pictures or videos of people online can embarrass them in front of their school and spread quickly out of control.
  • If you post altered pictures of people online these can exist long after you delete them and can also be used as evidence by teachers and police.


What can I do to prevent cyberbullying?

  • Be careful who you give your mobile number to and don’t pass on friends’ numbers without asking them first.
  • Don’t respond to texts from people you don’t know. These can often be sent randomly to find people to bully.
  • If you witness cyberbullying try to help the victim. You can offer them support, or report the bullying anonymously if that feels safer.
  • Don’t post revealing pictures of yourself or others online – they may get sent on and used to bully you or other people.
  • Keep your online identity safe – create strong passwords with a mix of lower and upper case letters and numbers. Pick difficult answers for your “secret question” on your accounts that people who know you wouldn’t easily guess.
  • Don’t share your password with anyone – even your friends.


What can I do if I am being cyberbullied?

  • Tell people you trust – a good friend, a parent, or a teacher. They will want to help you stop the bullying quickly and safely.
  • Do not reply to the people bullying you, especially to text messages from numbers you don’t know.
  • Save evidence of all bullying messages and images. You can save messages on your phone and take screen shots of bullying on websites or Facebook/Instant Messaging. This may be used later if you report the bullying to your school or the police.
  • If the bullying online or on your mobile involves physical threats, like threats to hurt or fight you, contact the police. Making threats of harm is criminal behaviour in New Zealand.
  • Bring in any evidence you have when you meet with the police (messages stored on your phone or print outs of screenshots). If you are worried about your safety contact the Police immediately.

 Cyberbullying at your school

If you think the people bullying you are at your school tell the Principal or Deputy Principal as soon as possible. Schools in New Zealand want all students to be safe and teachers want to help stop bullying.

Cyberbullying on your favourite websites

Report internet cyberbullying to the website where the bullying took place – usually there is a “Report Abuse” button or “Safety” link.

Cyberbullying on Facebook or other Social Media
  • If you can, block the bullying messages coming through.
  • Take screenshots of any nasty messages sent to you and save them as evidence.


Cyberbullying and your mobile

  • If you are being bullied on your mobile contact your phone company.
  • Report the abuse and ask them to take action.


What can I do to help someone being cyberbullied?

  • If a friend comes to you for help reassure them that they’ve done the right thing by talking with someone.
  • Tell them not to reply to mean or nasty messages.
  • Make sure they save the bullying messages on their phone and/or take screenshots of website and chat abuse. This is important so that proof of the bullying is recorded and can be used as evidence later on.
  • If you see that someone is being cyberbullied, contact them and let them know that you support them. This can help them feel less isolated.  Reporting the cyberbullying to someone who can help, like an adult you trust or to the website where the bullying is happening. You can do that anonymously if you want to protect your identity.

Cyberbullying on websites and IM

If they are being bullied on a website or instant messenger help them to block the bullying and report the abuse to the website.

Cyberbullying on mobile phones

  • If they are receiving bullying text messages or calls they should tell their mobile phone company.
  • If they already have evidence of bullying texts the company should be able to take action.

Cyberbullying at school

Does the bullying involve people at school? If you think so tell the Principal or Deputy Principal as soon as possible. Schools in New Zealand want all students to be safe and teachers want to help stop bullying.


When to call the police

If any cyberbullying threatens harm – like hurting or fighting – this breaks the law. Save the evidence and contact the Police.


What if I’m scared about getting involved?

  • If you witness any form of cyberbullying but are worried about helping you can still do the following:
  • If you see cyberbullying online then report the problem anonymously to the website where bullying takes place.
  • You can also try to talk to the target of bullying away from an audience. Bystanders who support people being bullied can make that person feel less isolated.


‘At a Distance’ – standing up to cyberbullying

Watch the New Zealand made short film about cyberbullying at


If you are a parent, please view this information on cyber bullying.